Today I Celebrate, Tomorrow I Change My Party



Update 4/17/10 There is talk that the Party of No is going to try to get SB6 in and passed as part of the end of session rush.  Please join Moms and Dads against SB6 and help us send a message loud and clear: We don’t want SB6 and a good version of this bill will take time. Two weeks is not enough.

Today was a fantastic day! Charlie Crist vetoed SB6, TaeKwonDo Times is running a snippet of an article I submitted months ago,  and a local high school newspaper is publishing a rally photo I took.  I have followed this issue with all of the fever I had as a child the night I stayed up with my dad and watched Herbert Humphrey lose to Richard Nixon.

Today I celebrated. Tomorrow I am going to call the Orange County Supervisor of Elections to change my party. Yes, I’m going to change my registration to Republican. Never in my life would I have ever considered such a thing until Charlie Crist responded to the “teacher uprising of of 2010.”

The hour is late and I suggest you read Charlie Crist’s #SB6 Veto Letter. I think all of my yellow dog Democrat friends will understand. If I get my way, they’ll be making some changes too. Thank you, Charlie.


  1. I’m changing too: until the primaries. It’s the only way to stop the nuts. I’m still feeling guilty that I did not change this fall in time to vote against Thatcher. He barely won the primary.

    • You won’t be the only one to do that. We MUST keep Rubio out!

  2. Please support Charlie Crist by visiting and joining one or more of the Facebook groups if you are on FB. If you’re not, join up at

  3. Well done Crist, you stood up for true Republican values and ideology when others in the party had sold out. The DOE released a hypothetical pay scale for SB6 which showed “high effective” salaries almost doubling a teachers current pay. So even allowing for a best case scenario, where the bill transformed FL into a state of “high effective” teachers. Where is all this money going to come from? The plan calls for 5% (for exam costs) of the budget not 55%. It just didn’t add up or make sense fiscally. Even if Thrasher’s plan would have met his wildest fantasies it could have not been funded. What has happened to the GOP that they can advocate a bill which would take power from districts and centralize it in Tallahassee breaking the FL constitution in doing so. Whats more it would have seen taxes levied as districts scrambled to make back the money lost to the plan. It goes against the GOP’s core ideology of smaller less involved government. Well done Charlie!!!

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